Sketch Weekly #24: Something to lose your head over (Inktober Catch-up)


Drawlloween/Inktober day 20

Update on the windows 10 situation, my computer has now turned into an impressive paper weight. Fun times.

Today’s prompt (as I continue through my left over Inktober days) is “Skull”. Playing around with a looser art style today,I’m pretty happy with how it came together, so I might mess around with it a bit more.

2 thoughts on “Sketch Weekly #24: Something to lose your head over (Inktober Catch-up)

  1. I probably missed a post or so…are you having probs with Windows 10…I was…finally…considering downloading Win 10, even though every other time I’ve downloaded a new OS into an old OS my computer has gone belly up and down the toilet. So perhaps I should proceed as planned and not do Win 10 until I HAVE to purchase a new computer 🙂


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