Time Slippage!


Well I’ve finally got internet again after having it go down for over two weeks because my ISP couldn’t figure out how to transfer my house to a different plan… I’m not bitter at all, nope.

One good thing did come from a fortnight without internet: lots of time for art. I’ve finished a few zines I’d been putting off for a while and I’ve just outlined my next mini comic project (the piece above is some concept art for the comic’s cover). All things going to plan, it will be a 12 part mini series published through sneakily hidden zines.

Hope you’ve all had a better fortnight than me, I’ve definitely missed keeping up to date with everyone’s different blogs, that’s for sure!

2 thoughts on “Time Slippage!

  1. Wow, amazing concept art! Loved it! Your style is amazing and I love it!

    And it is really great to have you back! Hope that all is fine now and can’t wait to see your projects and stuff!


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