Ghosts-a-Go-Go! Inktober Day 28!



And on that note, I’ve run out of days in October. But why let the fun end there?! Like last year, over the next few weeks I’ll be catching up on the prompts that I missed drawing Drawlloween,  so the ghosts and ghouls aren’t going away just yet!

And for all of you who also took part in Inktober, whether you made it through 31 days or just 3, congratulations! Every bit of drawing helps to improve, so I hope you’ve all learnt a little and had a lot of fun.

2 thoughts on “Ghosts-a-Go-Go! Inktober Day 28!

  1. This one makes me smile a lot. I’m glad your Inktober is going to keep going. I completed the challenge but now have a partially filled sketchbook so I think I might continue with Inktober drawings on a spooky theme to fill it.


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